Historian's Corner
By: Clifford Kellogg

This 2020 marks the 40th Anniversary of the Washington Falconers Association. I’d like to introduce you to the very first, original Board members, with photos of each, and a bit of information about them.
Things were quite different when our Association was formed. There were very few captive-bred raptors available, and none were for sale; that was illegal. The WFA board consisted of 6 members, as opposed to the 9 we have today. We had only one early hunting season, which was near the town of Selah, as a part of the L.T. Murray Wildlife area. Peregrine falcons were mostly talked about, not seen so much. We have come so far in 40 years!
Thanks to each of the following original board members!

President, Brian Kellogg, with Changeable Hawk-Eagle, “Chanta”, 1980. Brian and Linda Kellogg now reside in Terrebonne, Oregon. Photo by Author
Field Marshal (VP), Lee Mann, with Black San Juan rabbit. Lee now resides near Eugene, Oregon, with his wife, Judi. Photo courtesy of Lee Mann

Secretary/Treasurer, David Bates, with San Juan rabbit. David now resides in Ellensburg, Washington. Photo courtesy of David Bates
Central Director, Mike Bryant, with Golden Eagle, Leavenworth, WA, 1980’s. Mike now resides in Wenatchee, Washington. Photo courtesy of Mike Bryant

Eastern Director, Allen Gardner, with Peregrine & Partridge, 1986. Allen still lives in Spokane, Washington. Photo courtesy of Allen Gardner
Western Director, Clifford Kellogg, with San Juan rabbit, 1978. Clifford & Janna Kellogg now reside in Ellensburg, Washington. Photo courtesy of the author